Dear blog followers,
It has been a while since a post and I hope you are all still following. Soon I will do at least EIGHT more posts with banding/sighting reports that have happened over the late spring and summer of 2018. After I get data entry finished there will also be a summary report. We banded 355 Painted Buntings in Season 5 for a grand total of 1616. Of course there were incidental birds too.
Painted Bunting (male) at Fort DeSoto
Photo by Nancy LaFramboise
Until then let's start with more recent news. Painted Buntings are back! The PB host in Kissimmee reported a bird molting from green to male on August 5. It is banded and contributes a lot of info for our project. The site in Jupiter also has a returning bunting. Keep an eye out! Likely there will be more reports soon. Prior to our study these August reports were pretty much not heard about. With the advent of eBird and our hosts, we now know this is completely normal. It likely was always true, just unnoticed.
banded Painted Buntings at DuPuis Wildlife and Environmental Area
Photo by Nancy LaFramboise
Many of you now know that we will not be banding Painted Buntings any longer. There are still sites on the east coast that do though. The study can actually continue if you will still report band sightings. I STILL WANT SIGHTINGS!! They can be sent to Also, if you see banded Painted Buntings on any other media, please send the link. Some of those eight catch-up entries will report some interesting findings from Facebook and other sightings.
banded Painted Bunting at DuPuis Wildlife and Environmental Area
Photo by Nancy LaFramboise
We have moved to Washington state. We will continue banding but not Painted Buntings. So, here is my request: I'd like to continue the blog but I need to know what you would be interested in reading. We will be traveling more and I could add bird reports. I am still trying to learn butterflies and could add a few. Or I can just continue a banding blog with our western projects. Your opinion is important to me. Please sent an email with your input on what you'd like to read. (