Today was a day of great variety, great company, and a great bird. We banded 6 birds and for this time of year, that is a good number. We expect over-wintering birds and residents. Gray Catbirds never seem to disappoint this time of year. It still feels like numbers are low. We banded 2 today.
The next bird was a bit unexpected although some may over-winter. We had a Black-thoated Blue Warbler that was clearly a hatch-year bird. Its throat still showed a few white feathers. If I get a photo from the photographers, I will add it.
We had a bit of a quiet spell and then the surprise. A new bird on the property and a new species for me to band. You can imagine my surprise when Nancy Price brought a Wood Thrush to the banding table. Not only had we never documented one on the property, this one may be quite late going through.
Wood Thrush
Photo by Pat Marshall
Wood Thrush (body molt)
Photo by Georgia Binderow
We aged the bird to be hatch-year based on light tips on the coverts. It also had some body molt still happening.
Then almost at the end of our session we got a Blue-gray Gnatcatcher. We had not had one at Possum Long in 2014. They are such small critters weighing in at 6 grams! (Just a tad over 1 nickel.)
Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Photo by Georgia Binderow
Last but not least we banded our 5th Painted Bunting in 2014 at Possum Long. Painted Bunting season is just ramping up. Follow Season Two in the Pages section. This bird cannot be aged or sexed in Florida in winter. It could be female or a hatch year male.
Painted Bunting
Photo by Georgia Binderow
Next banding will be November 18. Nets go up at 6 am. NO BANDING AT POSSUM LONG on November 25 or December 2. We hope there will be birds and a continuation of banding on December 9 & 16. Always watch the end of the blog entry for the latest schedule.