
Tuesday, February 14, 2017

February 14, 2017

We had a pretty terrific opening day considering that migration, if it is underway, is just starting.  The day started out with the best bird of the day (see later) and a Northern Cardinal recapture.  All together we banded 9 new birds and 4 of those were all at once.  We also recaptured another Northern Cardinal. There were three types of warblers banded: Yellow-rumped, Palm, and Northern Parula.  In addition there were 2 Black-and-white Warblers seen.

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Photo by Roy Netherton

Northern Parula
Photo by Pete Grannis

Fun to see the green back up close.

Northern Parula
Photo by Pete Grannis

Northern Parula
Photo by Pete Grannis

We also banded a few of the larger birds:  1 Blue Jay, 1 Northern Cardinal, and 2 Gray Catbirds.

Our highlight was a Hermit Thrush.  This is only the second Hermit Thrush we have banded on the property.  The first one was one of our first birds in October, 2012.  Always fun to study a "new" bird.

Hermit Thrush
Photo by Roy Netherton

Though this bird might appear a little reddish like a Veery, the spots are darker and more distinct.

Hermit Thrush
Photo by Roy Netherton
The tail is much redder than the back.

Hermit Thrush
Photo by Roy Netherton

A beautiful portrait shot.  Note the bristles near the bill.  When anything touches these, the mouth opens.  A very keen sense of touch.

Hermit Thrush
Photo by Roy Netherton

We were pretty amazed to see the mouth lining, so orange.

The next regularly scheduled Possum Long session will be on Tuesday, February 21.  Nets go up at 6:45 am.

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