
Monday, February 13, 2017

February 11 & 12, 2017

This weekend we made return visits to two sites.  We are not getting many new invites so it is wonderful to have former hosts report they have many unbanded birds.

At PB 46 we banded 23 new birds and added to our return data with 11 recaptures.  At this site we have exceeded 100 birds banded.  The hosts are  incredibly wonderful to us and do an excellent job of tracking their birds.  Number 100 got a special combination with 2 of the black/white split bands.

Painted Bunting

We also banded a Mourning Dove, a Northern Cardinal, a Chipping Sparrow and a Yellow-rumped Warbler.

Chipping Sparrow

At PB 49 we banded 14 new Painted Buntings, doubling the total there.  Last year we knew there were more birds but we were unable to catch them.  Though many of the birds were born last summer here's one that is older.  As we have mentioned many times before, this can only be told in-hand. Note the green edges to the feathers above the thumb.  These are hidden on a folded wing.

Painted Bunting (female as can only be told in hand) (ASY)
note the green edges to the feathers above the thumb

We recaptured three from last season and banded a Northern Cardinal who thinks he owns the yard!

Northern Cardinal

Next Possum Long banding:  Tuesday, February 14.  Nets go up at 7 am.

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