
Wednesday, March 25, 2015

March 24, 2015

This session was much busier than the last few weeks but still only a hint of migration.  Florida migration is very weather dependent and we had hoped that west winds would drop birds.  There were a few but first off we were in for a big surprise.

Our first bird in the net even before first light was an Eastern Screech-Owl!

Eastern Screech-Owl
Photo by Pete Grannis

I was thoroughly amazed at how calm the bird was.  I expected to be grabbed or bit.  Neither happened.  The owl was not very tangled so release was fast.  We got a few photos and then released the bird unbanded.  We did not have the proper size band.  The bird sat on my hand for longer than I expected and then quietly took off into the dawn.  Amazing how light this bird was.

After such a beginning we captured two migrants.  It is so rewarding to read that a certain species is on the move and to then capture some.  We banded two Common Yellowthroats.

Common Yellowthroat
Photo by Pete Grannis

Also captured today was the same female American Redstart that was banded in the March 19, 2013 that we also caught on March 3, 2015.  Not sure this is the same female but it is a photo of one we captured on that day.

American Redstart - photo from March 19, 2013

Also captured were 2 Gray Catbirds and a Painted Bunting (green - female or first year male).  All in all a nice day.

Next session:  Tuesday, March 31.  Nets go up at 6:30 am.

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