
Thursday, March 19, 2015

March 17, 2015

One truth can be stated - migration is underway but we cannot prove it at the station as of this session.  Several notable birds were seen this week at Possum Long but not in the nets.  For several important reasons, we did not set up all of the usual nets.  We also did not have any captures.

Diana found a new bird for the property:  an Orange-crowned Warbler.  Below is a photo of one we banded in January, 2014 at Lakeside Ranch Stormwater Treatment Area.  A Black-and-white Warbler was also around and it would be hard to tell if this one was around all winter or had newly moved onto the property.

Orange-crowned Warbler
Photo by Bill Eaton

The presence of a newly banded Black-throated Blue Warbler is exciting as it supports the theory that birds that are low in fat remain around to fatten up for the rest of their journey.

Chimney Swifts were detected.  They are a summer resident and one of the early signs that migration is underway.  Yellow-throated Vireos are now being seen.  This is a species we detected on the property in early March last year.  Hopefully weather and movement will combine for a busier week next session. 

Next session will be March 24.  Nets will go up at 6:15 am.  All are welcome.

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