Thursday, March 15, 2018

March 10, 2018

On March 10. we returned to PB 72.  This yard had a good combination of over-wintering birds and some returning migrants/summer residents!  It is encouraging!

We banded 4 Painted Buntings and recaptured one from last year. Several more were seen. 

Our first bird was an American Goldfinch; I think the only one so far this year.  We typically do not get this species at Possum Long so it is fun to band them at Painted Bunting sites.  This was a winter-plumaged male that was just beginning to turn more yellow.  The black (not greyish) wings indicate that it is male.  It will soon develop more black on the head as well as more yellow coloring.

American Goldfinch
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

We also banded 2 Gray Catbirds and a Red-bellied Woodpecker.

Red-bellied Woodpecker (female)
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

Flying over the property was a Purple Martin and a Swallow-tailed Hawk.  Always good to see!!

Catch-up post three.  Next session information on next post.

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