
Friday, March 2, 2018

February 27, 2018

We banded at Possum Long on Tuesday.  Numbers are picking up and we are starting to see and hear a few more birds.  It was very frustrating to hear but not see what might have been a Golden-winged Warbler singing!  The song is a very distinctive buzzy "bee-buzz-buzz".  There was still a Summer Tanager around.  We also had many delightful visitors who I hope continue to return to see migration progressing.

While we were setting up nets one visitor came early to photograph the Wood Duck in the nest box.  Well, it wasn't there but this was!!

Eastern Screech-Owl
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

Pretty early we recaptured an Ovenbird and banded our first Yellow-rumped Warbler.  Later we had 4 Yellow-rumps in the net at the same time.  We banded a total of 8!

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

We also banded 3 Gray Catbirds and a Red-bellied Woodpecker.

Gray Catbird 
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

Red-bellied Woodpecker
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

the red belly of a Red-bellied Woodpecker
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

Another item of interest was this cute baby turtle.  Linda brought him over for all to see and then returned it to where it had been found.  Enjoy!

Next scheduled banding at Possum Long will be on March 6.  Nets go up at 6:45.  

NOTE:  There will be no banding at Possum Long on March 20.  However we will band on Monday, March 19 instead.

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