
Sunday, February 25, 2018

February 20, 2018

Tuesday, February 20 was a session at the Possum Long Banding Station.  It was a day of wonderful bird viewing.  There were more birds on and above the property but we only banded 5 birds.  This is an increase and we should continue to increase but the hard part is that nets are low and birds are high.

There were hundreds of Cedar Waxwings on the property and it felt like teasing!  So close yet so far.

Cedar Waxwings at Possum Long - just one of the trees
Photo by Robin Potvin

Cedar Waxwings at Possum Long
Photo by Robin Potvin

Also on the property was a Summer Tanager.  We have been spotting them for the last few weeks.  Not sure if they over-wintered again.  Both species were seen eating fruit from the Ficus (Fig) trees.  

Summer Tanager
Photo by Pete Grannis

However we did band 2 Northern Cardinals, 2 Gray Catbirds and a Yellow-rumped Warbler.  Among other recaptures we had a Common Yellowthroat that was banded in October.  

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

Common Yellowthroat
Photo by Pat Marshall

Gray Catbird - I love revenge photos - bird biting bander
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

Congratulations to fellow birder Andrew Boyle and his volunteers.  They banded at the Orlando Wetlands Festival and had some great birds including a Philadelphia Vireo which was a surprise as they do not typically over-winter in Florida.  Read more a    The 2/17/18 entry.

Next Possum Long session will be on Tuesday, February 27.  Nets go up at 6:45 am.

A very early warning - we will NOT be banding on March 20 but will on March 19.  (Weather permitting as always)

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