
Tuesday, February 13, 2018

February 13, 2018

It was great to get together to launch the spring banding season.  We welcomed visitors and enjoyed catching up.  We had predicted today would be quiet as far as captures go but we were pleasantly surprised with the birds on the property.  There were several Summer Tanagers as well as the usual winter birds.

Newspaper photographer Hobie Hiler came to see the operation of the banding station and luckily we did have a few captures.  First we recaptured a Gray Catbird that was banded last October.  It likely spent the winter on the property or somewhere nearby.

Gray Catbird
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

We then got a female Yellow-rumped Warbler.  Looking at the upper tail feathers and the white spots on the tail as well as other features we determined it to be an adult bird.  

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

We also recaptured an Ovenbird banded last October.  Harder to say whether this one over-wintered or is passing back through.

Photo by Bill LaFramboise

Lastly was our second new bird of the day.  Another Gray Catbird but this one got a new band.

The following weeks should improve and soon we will be in the midst of spring migration.  We are still banding Painted Buntings and we will keep updating here.

Next scheduled banding at Possum Long will be February 20.  Nets go up at 6:45.  

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