
Wednesday, November 1, 2017

October 31, 2017

Tuesday banding at Possum Long was much busier this week but the migrant birds have mostly moved through.  It is really hard to predict which ones will stay and over winter and which ones are still moving through.  We had a lot of Gray Catbirds on the property.  We banded four.  We also banded three Painted Buntings and recaptured another one from last spring.  I believe the population is increasing on the property.

We also banded one new Palm Warbler and a Black-throated Blue Warbler.  There were quite a few recaptures (Ovenbird, Black-throated Blue Warbler, American Redstart, Gray Catbird).  Most had been banded within the past month.  Comparing fat now to when they were banded was concerning.  Most had not gained fat.  Maybe they will just over-winter.

American Redstart - recapture
Photo by Pete Grannis

Since I didn't get any Painted Bunting photos from this session I am posting a photo of a male we banded at PB 61 on Sunday.

male Painted Bunting
Photo by Bill LaFramboise

Who is on the Osprey pole?  During the last few sessions at Possum Long I heard that the following happened but I didn't get the photos until yesterday.  

Who is on the Osprey pole?

We have had recent flyovers of Egyptian Geese; a recently established exotic in Florida.  I never expected them actually be on the property.  I have seen Canada Geese on Osprey poles before.  They roost there until the residents return.  Must be safe up there.  I was glad to finally get a photo of this.

Egyptian Geese on the Osprey pole

Megan has been volunteering with us for the past few months.  She has such great enthusiasm and drive to learn and help.  She banded her first bird this session.  

Megan with her first banded bird
Gray Catbird

Next scheduled banding session is Tuesday, November 6.  Keep in mind the time change.  Nets go up at 6:30.

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