
Wednesday, May 17, 2017

May 16, 2017

Once again winds shifted and were coming from the east.  Late migrants are practically finished and I hope they are mostly to their breeding grounds and have successful nesting.  We observed a few redstarts at Possum Long on Tuesday and we banded 2 new birds.  One Ovenbird and one Common Yellowthroat managed to find the nets.


Common Yellowthroat

Thus ends the Spring 2017 banding at Possum Long.  My thanks to all readers who keep in touch.  My overwhelming appreciation to the volunteers who make this research possible.  We will resume banding some time in August.  I will post dates on an entry here.  For some reason this blog tells me I have 1 follower but I know more of you do get email reminders when I post.  If you have not signed up for that, you might consider doing so.  

I will soon post the results since the start of 2017 and some overall numbers.  I find numbers to be quite amazing and I hope you, my readers do too.

1 comment:

  1. Nancy, Thanks for taking the time to write the post entries. I truly read every one of them and hope to make it up your way next banding season.
