
Tuesday, March 7, 2017

March 6 and 7, 2017

Monday we returned to DuPuis (PB 6) for another attempt to band some of the unbanded birds we saw on March 1.  This visit we only managed recaptures but the great news and data are that some of those birds were from Seasons 1 and 2.  The birds were doing fine and on a few we had to replace color bands that had fallen off or were faded.

We also caught a few incidental Chipping Sparrows.  The excitement was that among the Chipping Sparrows, Pete and Jean noticed one that looked different.  Different it was - it was a Clay-colored Sparrow (photo below).  What great spotting that led to a life looks for some and a few new state and/or county species seen.

Painted Bunting - male

Painted Bunting female (know because as a recapture we know it is over 4 years old!)

Chipping Sparrow

We also recaptured 2 Chipping Sparrows from 2 years ago, banded on the same dates!

Clay-colored Sparrow (right) with 2 Chipping Sparrows
Photo by Jean Potvin

Today, Possum Long just wasn't as exciting as yesterday.  In fact we did not capture any birds.  This is only the 7th time in 5 years that we had that happen.  Wind was a big factor as the birds can see the nets moving.  It was also raptor day with 2 nesting Red-shouldered Hawks, 2 nesting Osprey, 3 newly arrived flyover Swallow-tailed Kites, and 2 Cooper's Hawks!!  Better luck in the next week or so as sooner or later migrants will come through.

Next scheduled banding:  Tuesday, March 14.  Nets go up at 7:30 am.

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