
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

March 19, 20, and 21, 2017

March 19 was a super busy day as we visited two locations.  We returned to PB 64 in the morning and PB 13 in the afternoon.  Many thanks to Pat Marshall who worked at both sessions and the next day too!

At PB 64 we banded 9 new Painted Buntings as well as incidental captures of a Mourning Dove, a Palm Warbler, FIVE Northern Cardinals. and a Red-bellied Woodpecker.  Best news of all was recapturing all six of the birds we banded the previous year.  Some locations do get 100% returns!

Palm Warbler

Northern Cardinal - male

Painted Bunting - male

At PB 13 we were pretty hampered by the rising wind and a few grackles.  Despite that we banded 7 new buntings and recaptured one.  Incidental captures included another Northern Cardinal and 3 of the Common Grackles.  It is interesting to me that even though these 2 locations are fairly close, they do not seem to share birds.

Monday found us at PB 37.  We had last visited in Season Two and had banded 22 buntings then. This visit we banded 13 new buntings and recaptured 2.  The only incidental capture was a Blue Jay. Our host is an great photographer and she allowed us to share the release she caught!  We have two other great photos by her which will appear in presentations or maybe in a later blog.

Releasing the Painted Bunting after banding

Very colorful male Painted Bunting underside

Blue Jay holding his bands hostage

Our regular Possum Long session on March 21 went well but migrants are yet to show up in any numbers.  We banded a new Painted Bunting, a Yellow-rumped Warbler, and a Blue Jay.  We also recaptured another Painted Bunting, an Ovenbird, and a Northern Cardinal.

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Blue Jay - wing showing young feathers

Next regularly scheduled banding at Possum Long will be March 28.  Nets go up at 7:15.

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