
Wednesday, September 16, 2015

September 15, 2015 OVEN-8

Today we got more numbers but less diversity.  We banded 8 Ovenbirds (banding code OVEN) and a Blue Jay.  All 9 birds were born this last nesting season.  There were a few migrants on the property that did not go into the nets but that's the norm.

Last week the first Common Nighthawk for the property was observed.

Ovenbird (and Eddie our mascot on the banding box)
Photo by Jane Wiewora

Many thanks to Jane for all of the photos.  Since we had been negligent about getting photos she got pictures of most of the Ovenbirds.  Problem is they are all alike.  These two photos really tell it all.

Aging the Ovenbirds
Photo by Jane Wiewora

The yellow arrows above indicate lighter tipped coverts that indicate that the birds are both hatch-year (born this past summer).

Jane pointed out some more really great close-ups of our Ovenbirds from her set.  I couldn't resist adding them:  (added 9/17)  In the first photo you can see the bristles near the bill that trigger the bird to open its bill.  This is used when they are foraging in the leaves and come across a tasty treat.

Photos by Jane Wiewora

The Blue Jay was also a youngster and a sassy one at that.  The bander is receiving its opinion of  being banded.  In the second photo the arrow indicates the remaining young feathers indicating that this is a young bird.

Blue Jays
Photos by Jane Wiewora

We were going to attempt banding the next day but we were rained out.  Call us persistent/dedicated/crazy but we went anyway and eventually took down the poles we had left up.  

Next banding session:  September 22.  Nets go up between 6 and 6:30.  

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