
Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 14, 2015

Many apologies for the delay in this post.  On April 14 we banded 2 Gray Catbirds and a Northern Cardinal.  We also recaptured one of each of these species.

The Northern Cardinal is the only one we managed to photograph.  Pete and Nancy P are making great progress extracting and banding.  Pete banded this Northern Cardinal and Nancy banded the catbirds.

Northern Cardinal (female)
Photo by Nancy LaFramboise

Migrants were non-existent.  Winds from the south send birds straight over without stopping.  Good for the birds but not as good for the banders.  That's actually fine with us.   May the birds make good progress to their nesting grounds. We still manage to have a good time and survey the property.  The Yellow-crowned Night-Herons are nesting as are the Red-shouldered Hawks.  There was no evidence of a brood patch on this female cardinal but maybe soon they will nest.  We did hear a Brown Thrasher which are not typically on the property and may have been passing through.  

I forgot to mention that last week Diana observed a snake entering a Red-bellied Woodpecker nest. We can only assume the chicks or eggs were eaten.  Nature in real life or real life in nature.  True either way you look at it.

Next banding session will be April 21.  Nets go up at 6:15.  

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