
Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March 3, 2015 Recapture Day

Well, it was a recapture day.  We only caught 4 birds today and all were recaptures.  Actually recaptures provide us with a lot of information and show that certain birds do return to the exact same places.

It was also a beautiful day to be outdoors and looking for birds moving in and through the property.

Spider in the web
Photo by Nancy LaFramboise

One of the birds recaptured today was a female American Redstart.  First good news is that we had not seen any redstarts on the property all winter so this one returned from somewhere.  It was actually banded in March of 2013.  (Our first spring)  This bird had no fat at all and appeared wide awake but weak.  We gave it a few good sips of sugar water and it perked up and flew away with a good-bye chip note.

Two other recaptures were Gray Catbirds.  I think both were from last fall but I will check data soon.

The last recapture was an Ovenbird first banded last fall.  When I crop the photo this way it is hard to tell how truly small this species is.

Photo by Jane Wiewora

Once again the chicken was of great entertainment.  We are trying to get it to come close to us so it can be caught and relocated somewhere more appropriate.  

Jane making friends with the chicken...

progressing to eating out of her hand.  Next week, new home.

Next banding:  March 10.  Nets go up at 6:45.  Hope for more migrants.

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