
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

December 16, 2014

Today was better than expected.  We did not run as many nets as last week as fewer members of the team could be there.  We caught a Northern Cardinal early in the morning.  Then we got three Gray Catbirds, two of which were recaptures.  One of those was the one we recaptured last week.

Then we got a Painted Bunting.  It appears to be a green (female or first-year male) that has been using the new feeder (see Painted Buntings - Season Two).

Painted Bunting
Photo by Nancy LaFramboise

A good sized flock of warblers and a Blue-headed Vireo visited the station.  It was nice to search through the group that was mostly Yellow-rumped Warblers to find a Black-throated Blue, a Black-and-white, and a Prairie.  We later caught and banded a Black-and-white Warbler for a little excitement.

Black-and-white Warbler
Photo by Jane Wiewora

We closed up a bit early and headed home.  Be aware that we will not be banding for at least a few weeks.  Painted Buntings are keeping us busy and Possum Long will be quiet in the next few weeks.  I will post again before the next session.  Enjoy the break and see you in the New Year.

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