
Tuesday, November 18, 2014

November 18, 2014

We really tried to dodge the raindrops.  It was a valiant effort.  We set up nets and soon caught a new Gray Catbird.

Not long after we recaptured the Wood Thrush from last week.  Photo from then too.

Wood Thrush
Photo by Georgia Binderow

A few chip notes and we were surprised to find an Ovenbird in our net.  It was originally banded on September 9 of this year.  It had not stored any fat but weighed a bit more than last time.  Had it built up muscle mass missing after a hard migration?  It's a good theory.

Sorry no new photos - very humid.  The rain started and we bailed.

Next scheduled banding:  NOTE TWO WEEKS OFF  until December 9.  Nets go up at 6:15.


  1. I am curious about the size of Possum Long. We band in 103 acre wooded swamp in the middle of urban sprawl in Baton Rouge. Our facebook page is:

  2. Possum Long is almost 5 acres. It is in a neighborhood in Stuart.

  3. I should have added that there has been a lot of work done to replace invasives with native or at least bird/butterfly friendly plants.
