
Tuesday, September 16, 2014

September 15 & 16, 2014

Because we had the time and we were hoping for migrants, we did an extra session this week and it turned out to be a good choice.  On the 15th we banded an American Redstart and an Ovenbird and recaptured a Northern Cardinal.  Hard to be as excited when we compare to last week's bonanza.  We wished that the Red-eyed Vireos, Black-throated Blue Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Northern Parula, Blue-gray Gnatcatchers, Eastern Wood-Pewee, or Worm-eating Warbler that were seen on the property had paid a visit to the nets.

The recapture showed us more of the sequence that Northern Cardinals go through from plumage right out of the nest to the first molt in the fall.  Since 9/2/14 when it was originally banded, this bird has been developing more color by molting in more feathers.

Northern Cardinal
Photo by Nancy LaFramboise

During our regular session on the 16th, our only capture was another hatch-year (HY) Northern Cardinal. (Who would have ever dreamed that I was hoping for a Gray Catbird!)  This one showed unusual tail molt as it was only on one side.  Typically the feathers grow in symmetrically.  Maybe it lost its tail and it is just growing it back in.  

Northern Cardinal with asymmetric tail molt
Photo by Jane Wiewora

As is typical with HY birds, the feathers tend to be tapered rather than blunt.  This tail feather is a very good example of that shape.  (Top view of remaining tail feathers)

Northern Cardinal
Photo by Jane Wiewora

As always many thanks to the volunteers who are there despite the humidity, early hour, and quiet.  Next regular session will be September 23.  Sleep in!  Nets go up at 6:45.  May there be migrants!

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