
Monday, August 11, 2014

August 11, 2014 - It's fall !?!

Welcome back to the Possum Long Banding Blog.  It seems such a long time since the last post.

In the interim I visited a few places and attended banding at 2 locations in Washington state.  It was great to reconnect with my mentors and friends.  A shout out to Ed, Heidi, Chad and Rich.  Unfortunately no new species banded.

Yellow Warbler
Photo by Rich Barchet

Nancy Price was able to go to northern Florida to band with Erin from FWC.  FWC is studying our Painted Buntings on their breeding grounds.  It would be so terrific to someday catch one of those (banded with yellow/green split) or for them to catch one of ours.  (See page on Banding Painted Buntings - upper right).

Painted Bunting
Photo by Nancy Price

We will be starting fall banding soon.  By its very nature fall banding starts out very slow and is hampered by wet weather.  So, if you want to participate, be prepared for both.  We do not band in the rain.  We may start and have to close.  Hot weather will make for some short sessions at first.  That all said, it could be very exciting.  Early migrants include Swainson's and Hooded Warblers and Louisiana Waterthrushes.  Southern breeding warlbers like Prairie and Yellow-throated are possible.  Could we be so lucky? Last year we caught Brown Thrashers.  Things will pick up by early September.

We will typically band on Tuesdays but will also throw up nets if we sense a change in weather or bird action.  I will send emails but they may be as late as the morning we band.  To get on the e-mailing list make a comment here and include your email address.  Regular sessions are noted at the end of each post.  So, come to Possum Long anytime from daybreak (6:30 ish) and hope we are there.

Next session will be THURSDAY August 21.  Nets go up at 6:30.  Prolonged rain cancels session.

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