
Wednesday, April 23, 2014

April 22, 2014

Finally a pretty good banding day.  It seemed slow and catbird numbers were down but we saw and banded more species than during other recent sessions.

We banded 4 Gray Catbirds, 5 Black-throated Blue Warblers, 1 Downy Woodpecker, and 1 Ovenbird. We also recaptured a Painted Bunting from over a year ago (3/26/13).  This one was banded before we started color banding.  We can now say that this green Painted Bunting is female; a male would have molted to his bright colors in the intervening year.

The Black-throated Blue Warblers were very interesting.  The backs of 3 of them showed the black centers that indicate they are the Appalachian subspecies.  The other two had all blue backs.

Black-throated Blue Warbler - with black back markings
Photo by Nancy LaFramboise

Black-throated Blue Warbler - without black back markings
Photo by Nancy LaFramboise

The Downy Woodpecker was born last year.  It still had juvenal covert feathers - see arrow.  These feathers are browner than the newer adult feathers.

Downy Woodpecker
Photo by Jane Wiewora

Photo by Crystal Conway

In addition to the species banded, we also saw Cape May Warbler, American Redstart, Northern Parula, and Scarlet and Summer Tanagers.  Nancy Price also heard a Chuck-will's-widow in the early hours.

Scarlet Tanager
Photo by Crystal Conway

Northern Parula
Photo by Crystal Conway

Next banding session:  April 29, 2014.  Nets go up at 6 am.  Each week could get better - what will next week bring?

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