
Wednesday, March 12, 2014

March 11, 2014

Today was a bit busier than the last few sessions.  It is hard to contain the anticipation of the arrival of spring migrants.  We had help from the faithful banding team volunteers and visiting assistant Jim Closs today.  Jim added bird species to our day list and faithfully checked nets and carried gear - our thanks.  We had visitors Larry and Mary Ann from New York who got to see a bit of what we do.

Gray Catbird
Photo by Bill Eaton

Mostly there were Gray Catbirds and we banded three of them.  And on the lighter side - attempted revenge!

Gray Catbird
Photo by Bill Eaton

We also banded a Yellow-rumped Warbler, a Northern Cardinal, and another new green Painted Bunting.  It could be that Painted Buntings are starting to shift north in FL as they start their migration back to their breeding grounds.  Interesting to note that some birds have built up some fat reserves while others are still fat-free.

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Photo by Bill Eaton

You can see that the Yellow-rumped Warbler is aptly named.  The blue edged feathers and large amount of black help us age and sex the bird as ASY (After Second Year - not born last year) and male.

Yellow-rumped Warbler
Photo by Bill Eaton

It looks like a lot of the birds are feeding on the blossoming oak trees.  This may be a factor that is keeping the birds up so high and away from the nets.  We observed a singing Yellow-throated Vireo on the property again today.  It stayed high in the cedar tree.  We did not see this species at all last spring and for three weeks it has been present and singing.  Also the Northern Parulas have been singing; not just on the property but in many locations I've been over the past few weeks.  Waiting for the migrants............

NOTE:  NEXT BANDING SESSION AT POSSUM LONG - March 25, 2014  Nets up at 7 am.


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