
Friday, November 8, 2013

November 7, 2013

Yes, it has definitely quieted down.  Weather kept us from banding on the usual Tuesday and today although we heard a few chip notes of likely warblers and gnatcatchers, we did not capture any of them.  We did not see any Palm Warblers and only one Yellow-throated Warbler.  We did band a "green" Painted Bunting.  We cannot tell whether the green buntings are female or HY males.  Males born this summer will not develop their distinctive red, blue, and green plumage until fall of next year.

Painted Bunting
Photo by Bill Eaton

Painted Bunting
Photo by Bill Eaton

We were able to detect two birds that had been previously banded - a male cardinal and a catbird.

We will band again on Tuesday, November 12, weather permitting.  Nets will go up at 6:30.  After that we will be taking a break and will band again at least once in December.  If birds occur as they did last year, we will likely not resume weekly banding until mid-January.  But, do keep in touch here for sessions.  If you want to be added to an email update for impromptu sessions let me know.

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