
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 19 and 22, 2013

We did a quick banding session on Saturday and then our regular session today.  Red-eyed Vireos were the birds of both days; we've now banded four.  All of them have been hatch-year birds.  I discovered how to make the photographs a bit bigger.  Enjoy all of the photos by our expert photographers!

Red-eyed Vireo
Photo by Bill Eaton

Sunday we also got an American Redstart.  It was a hatch-year male as can be seen with the orange-yellow feathers just under the wing.  

American Redstart
Photo by Nancy Price

Jane wanted to make sure that readers found out that Northern Cardinal females have quite a bit of red under their wings.  Bill obliged with a photo.

Northern Cardinal
Photo by Bill Eaton

We have gotten a few interesting recaptures.  Today we got another White-eyed Vireo that was originally banded in February.  Also a Gray Catbird originally banded on March 19.  The catbird had definitely left the property and has now returned.  Also "28" the Northern Cardinal we recapture from time to time was caught today.

White-eyed Vireo
Photo by Bill Eaton

Totals for the past two sessions were 10 birds.  Remember you can see day totals on the pages part of this blog.  Red-eyed Vireo 3, Northern Cardinal 2, Gray Catbird 4, and the American Redstart.  George visited the banding station and got to release one of the catbirds.

George releasing a Gray Catbird
Photo by Nancy Price

Sometimes the fun pictures are not birds we banded.  Today an American Kestrel tried to claim the Osprey pole as a perch.  I think it had delusions of grandeur.  Also a photo of a Northern Mockingbird showing off its bling.

American Kestrel
Photo by Jane Wiewora

Northern Mockingbird
Photo by Crystal Conway

Crystal also photographed a Palm Warbler.  We are all hoping for one to eventually find its way into a net.

Palm Warbler
Photo by Crystal Conway

We will be banding on Friday, October 25 when a classroom visits Possum Long.  The next scheduled weekly banding will be Tuesday, October 29.  Nets up at 7 am.

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