
Tuesday, October 15, 2013

October 15, 2013 - Early rain but worth the wait

Early morning rain held us up for a brief time but not long after opening we had three birds in one net and one in another.  We banded a total of 9 birds and had 1 recapture.

It is actually the recapture that was quite exciting.  It was a White-eyed Vireo we banded on February 5.  There is no proof that it left Possum Long to nest however it might have done just that and then returned to  the property once more.  Interestingly there were no White-eyed Vireo sightings on the property during the 25 sessions between February 12 to September 19.

White-eyed Vireo
Photo by Bill Eaton

Today we banded 4 Gray Catbirds, 1 Black-throated Blue Warbler, 1 Northern Cardinal, 1 Blue Jay, and 2 Ovenbirds.

Gray Catbird
Three Photos by Bill Eaton

I've wondered just how many Gray Catbird pictures can be taken and still show a new aspect of that species.  Bill has managed to capture some different poses.  The last pictures shows the pink interior of a Gray Catbird born this season (hatch-year).

Black-throated Blue Warbler - female - checking fat under breast feathers
Photo by Bill Eaton

Northern Cardinal - hatch year - note dark patches in bill
Photo by Nancy Price

Northern Cardinal with arrow indicating new feather growing in
Photo by Jane Wiewora

I am forever grateful to the people who make this research project happen especially the recent hard work of Nancy Price, Jane Wiewora, Crystal Conway, Bill Eaton, and Linda Wishney.  It takes talents of all kinds to make this work.  Thank you for donating your time and efforts.

Next scheduled banding October 22, 2013 with nets going up at 7:00 am.

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