
Friday, September 6, 2013

September 6, 2013

We did another impromptu session today and banded two birds, a hatch-year female American Redstart and a hatch year Northern Cardinal.

 American Redstart
Photo by Nancy Price

American Redstart
Photo by Nancy Price

Northern Cardinal (hatch year)
Photo by Nancy Price

Possibly more exciting were some of the birds we saw but did not band (but wish we could!).  There were several Blue-gray Gnatcatchers wheezing around the property and a Prairie Warbler.  We saw at least two Brown Thrashers leading us to think they are only around in fall migration.  We also had a first documented Eastern Kingbird.  Hopefully we will have more migrants and more captures in the upcoming weeks.

Eastern Kingbird

Next regular session still September 10.

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