
Wednesday, September 25, 2013

September 25, 2013

Today we (the two Nancys) couldn't resist trying for more migrants.  It was fairly noisy this morning. Numbers were definitely down but diversity was still fairly high.  One new bird for the property, one new county bird for Nancy Price (Yellow-throated Vireo which we did not catch), and one new banded species for me.

We banded a total of 4 birds today, the now expected Ovenbird and American Redstart, a Gray-cheeked Thrush, and a Scarlet Tanager.  Nancy Price spotted the tanager in the strangler fig when we listened to jays and other birds mobbing this new visitor.

Barred Owl
Photo by Nancy Price

Barred Owl
Photo by Nancy Price

It was fun to see all the attention the birds paid to this owl.  Tiny Blue-gray Gnatcatchers kept buzzing around it.

Prior to the owl we banded a Gray-cheeked Thrush.  Its wing and feather measurements (and bill color) assured us that it was not another Bicknell's Thrush!

Gray-cheeked Thrush
Photos by Nancy Price

The female Scarlet Tanager was caught in a net in the butterfly garden.  We think it may have gone to the bird bath for a drink.    I love the up close photo as you can see the strange bill notch that tanagers have.  The bird was not going to stay still for pictures until it bit me.  Luckily it is nowhere near as painful as a cardinal

Scarlet Tanager
Photos by Nancy Price

We will set up again tomorrow at 7:30 am but may not stay too long if we are not getting birds in the nets.  Hope to see you there.

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