
Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23, 2013

Birds are predicted to be heading our way following a stalled weather front that should arrive tomorrow or the next day.  We will take advantage of possible migrants and will be out and banding as often as possible this week.

Today (with the front still stalled north of us) we banded 5 new birds.  As has been happening for the past few weeks first we had an Ovenbird.  The next bird was another hatch-year Blue Jay.

A White-eyed Vireo (only our third) was banded.  It was a hatch-year bird based on the dark eye instead of the white eye of an adult. Up close this was a fun way to see the hooked aspect of a vireo bill.  The bird was snapping at everything so we offered it a paperclip and it snapped at it and held on long enough to get the photo.  

White-eyed Vireo
Photo by Jane Wiewora

White-eyed Vireo
Photo by Nancy Price

As vireos are sometimes slow to move around, Jane was able to catch a post-banding photo.

White-eyed Vireo
Photo by Jane Wiewora

Then we got a male Downy Woodpecker, likely the mate of the female we caught this spring.  The red feathers at the back of the head were whispier than I expected.  You can clearly see the white outer tail feathers with their black spots.  With a retained older brown covert feather and a secondary (inner wing) feather growing in (at arrows) we know this bird was at least 3 years old (after second year).

Downy Woodpecker
Photo by Jane Wiewora

Downy Woodpecker
Photo by Jane Wiewora

Downy Woodpecker
Photo by Nancy Price

Our last bird was a hatch year male American Redstart.  Though it resembles the female but it is a bit more orange especially under the wing and it is starting to show a black head feather.

American Redstart - hatch year male
Photo by Nancy Price

My unending thanks to Nancy and Jane who make this project possible!  We will meet around 7:15 tomorrow morning and hope that if there is rain that it will let up.  If not, watch this blog and come join us if the weather permits banding.

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