Tuesday, August 6, 2013

August 6, 2013 It's time to think "Fall Migration"

Welcome back after a summer break.  It looks like birds might start moving and even if they don't, there are a few resident birds around to study and document.

Today was just going to be a day to clean the banding lanes at Possum Long and it was but it was a bit more too.  The lanes were not too over grown.  We did clear out some ground plants that tangle in the nets and trip the volunteers and we also cut some branches that would catch the nets or block our path.

Pond net lane prior to trimming

Woods net lane during clean-up

In addition to clean-up we hung two nets in the woods lane.  We had seen a small bird in the overhead leaves that could have been a vireo or warbler.  The temptation was too great.  We gave in.  Our efforts paid off as we caught a hatch-year Northern Cardinal.  

Northern Cardinal
photo by Nancy Price

You can tell that this bird was born this summer by its bill which is still dark, not bright orange.  It was also still growing in quite a few feathers.

Northern Cardinal growing in body feathers
Photo by Nancy Price

Northern Cardinal growing in flight feathers and coverts
Photo by Nancy Price

Two other exciting discoveries:  1) we saw a Gray Catbird - an early returnee and 2)  there are now 2 Wild Turkeys on the property.  It did not take them long to find food under the feeder we filled.

Wild Turkey

We are planning on banding next week unless it is raining.  Things should quiet down fairly quickly - we were done by 10 am today.  We won't promise any birds but volunteers and visitors are always welcome.

Next planned session:  August 13 - 6:30 am

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