
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

August 20, 2013

Today greeted us with sightings of a few migrants.  There was a Prairie Warbler in the butterfly garden and we banded a Gray Catbird.  We recaptured the female Northern Cardinal that we recaptured last week and once again she was camera shy.  Sorry, no bird pictures for this week.  We did add Tricolored Heron to the Possum Long Birdlist.

It seems that today was trim the trees day for the utility company.  This is very necessary since we are in hurricane season but it did not help today's capture rate.  We heard quite a few Blue Jays at 6:30 and we saw up to 4 Northern Mockingbirds but they didn't make it into the nets.

It was however mildly entertaining to watch the ascent.  He climbed to the upper branches to trim the ones overhanging the utility line.  These views would make you think he took off the entire side of the tree but fortunately that was not the case.  Only a few small limbs were cut.  

Tree trimming

We also had a few visitors of the animal type.  This turtle made us very glad we had the nets raised high enough off the ground so it could cross the net lane.

Florida Box Turtle


It was also a busy butterfly day.  We saw Ruddy Daggerwings, Zebra Longwings, Cloudless Sulphurs, Giant Swallowtails, and this lovely Monarch.

Photo by Nancy Price

We keep hoping to discover the beginning of the migrant maximum.  Until then we will band a bird here and there and enjoy learning more about the birds of Possum Long.

Next banding:  August 27, nets open at 6:30 am.  Though there is parking on 7th Street, also check on Hibiscus Avenue as some of us park there.

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