
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7, 2013 Start the Oven

This might be a bit short today as I am running out of time.  Today was busy and we stayed open until after 2 pm.  I thought that the Gray Catbirds departing would leave a big hole but luckily the migrants came.  West winds pushed birds toward the east coast and we had lots of American Redstarts to band.  Here I'm extracting an after-second-year (not born last year) male.

American Redstart
Photo by Crystal Conway

In all we banded eight American Redstarts today.  Many were second-year males.  They look a bit like females but have a bit of the orange tinge to their "starts" (look just under the wing) and at least a few black feathers coming in on the head area.

American Redstart
Photo by Linda Wishney

Actually the day started with Nancy Price spotting an Ovenbird on the ground near a net.  It wasn't too long and we had it.  Now the title makes sense (sort of!)  We banded two Ovenbirds today - the second picture shows the unique head stripes.

Photo by Crystal Conway


Photo by Nancy Price

The redstarts just kept coming.  One kept chipping at me as I held it.  Crystal caught it in mid-call, mouth open.  Do you think I can teach it to sing on cue?

American Redstart
Photo by Crystal Conway

We also caught our first Downy Woodpecker at the Possum Long Banding Station.  All those white "stripes"  are dots lined up.

Downy Woodpecker 
Photo by Crystal Conway

Downy Woodpecker
Photo by Nancy Price

Next banding session May 14.

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