
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 21, 2013

Today's session was canceled due to threat of rain.  We birded the property anyway and were lucky to find a flyover Least Tern which is a new species for this year.  We also found 3 previously banded birds; a Northern Mockingbird, a Blue Jay, and the only Downy Woodpecker we have banded so far.  It is nice to know that we have managed to band some of the summer residents.

The Wood Ducks continue on the pond.  The two young Osprey have grown so much.

We also found a Blue Jay and while checking for a band we watched it fly into an oak and land on its nest.  A baby bird was begging for food.  Hopefully we will get a few hatch-year birds if we can dodge the rain this late spring/summer.

Next scheduled session:  June 4, 2013.  We do not band in the rain so watch the forecasts.

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