
Thursday, November 29, 2012

November 29, 2012

Well another day where no captures is still data gathering.  We are doing this project to document the presence (and absence) of birds, their abundance, and their arrival and departure dates.  So, even though we did not have captures we did accumulate data and had some interesting sightings.  It was very heartening to read the Lake Lotus blog to see they are also having a lull.  They have been banding long enough to say that things will be picking up again soon.


As usual, the Osprey was present and we heard it right from the wee hours.  Another Osprey brought a fish to this bird but either this bird wasn't hungry or the offer wasn't good enough.  The snubbed bird flew off with the fish.  This bird eventually went to the nest pole.  We'll report when they are sitting.

Yesterday I heard that the finch irruption had reached Dade county (Miami area) 2 hours south of us but I had not heard of any local reports.  Well, it has also reached Martin county.  The feeders at a private residence on the other side of the pond at Possum Long had at least a dozen American Goldfinches at it today.  American Goldfinches reach northern Florida on a fairly regular basis but they are very unusual here.  Now we are wishing for a Pine Siskin to show up (we saw them in Georgia last week) and Longing for either of them in our nets at Possum Long.

American Goldfinches

In addition to the banding, we are monitoring species on the property and those flying over.  I was really pleased to be able to get the auto focus to catch this Red-tailed Hawk in flight.  Red-shouldered Hawks are much more common and this is only the second Red-tail I have seen at Possum Long.  As of January we will be posting the species totals for Possum Long and connecting to the eBird list for the banding station.

Red-tailed Hawk in flight

Next banding session will be on December 6.  Nets go up at 6:30 am.  Hope to see you there.  Once again, many thanks to all of the volunteers who set up nets, recorded birds, and keep up morale.

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