
Painted Buntings - Season Two


Painted Bunting
Photo by Hart Rufe

Welcome to Season Two of color banding Painted Buntings (PABU) in south Florida.  In early August, 2014 we began to notice reports of Painted Buntings returning to Florida.  Actually they never left as they do breed in the state but that's north of where we are currently working.  I sent an email to folks who had let us band last season and asked them to be on the lookout for returning birds and to maybe put their feeders out earlier than they typically had.  Reports started coming in.  Seven of the sites have already had Painted Buntings.  Common knowledge is that Painted Buntings arrive in mid-to late September and there are not larger numbers until October.  Likely all along some birds have arrived in August but were not noticed as numbers were low.  Being aware had us ready to note the early returnees.  I really wanted to start banding some of these "early birds" as we could tell so much from them if they had bands.

Best example of this is having a male arrive at a feeder.  The next day there is a male at that feeder.  Did the bird from Day 1 move on and another arrive?  Can't tell.  Will this bird stay once others arrive?  Not sure. Where will this bird end up?  By banding the "early birds' we'd know a bit more about their migration strategies.

We are waiting to see when the first banded bird from Season One arrives.  We will post that here.

September 1:  PB 4   We did not catch the bunting that had been reported here but we did have three incidental captures.  We banded a Worm-eating Warbler first.  And then we caught two Carolina Wrens - one was born this year, one was an adult.

Worm-eating Warbler
Photo by Georgia Binderow

Carolina Wren (HY) (scruffy appearance from new feathers growing in) 
Photo by Georgia Binderow

September 4: PB4 - no Painted Buntings, 1 Northern Cardinal.. So far no luck banding the "early birds".

September 19:  PB 9 reports the first returning color banded bunting!!  

October 6:  Two more reports of banded birds.  Banded first PABU of the season; a male at the Possum Long Banding Station.

October 12:  Up to 6 reports of our banded birds back at their feeders.  

PB 1:
One of the returns - green in 2013, showing male colors now
Photo by Nancy Price

Another return for PB 1 - green in 2013, colored male in 2014
Photo by Nancy Price

PB 10:  Has reported 3 returns!

returns at PB 10
Photos by Betty Hernandez

October 16:  PB 8 - No buntings - tried new site where we saw buntings but not ideal for capturing them.  Incidentals:  Red-eyed Vireo, Common Yellowthroat, Gray Catbird.

October 19:  Have now documented 9 returned banded birds!

October 20:  PB 18 - non-feeder location at DuPuis - Banded 1 male Painted Bunting -  Attempting to get Painted Buntings not using feeders.  It will be good to see if any of these more wild birds are ever detected at feeders elsewhere later in the winter or on their breeding grounds.  Incidental captures - 14 (Blue-gray Gnatcatcher 1, American Redstart 1, Palm Warblers (all western subspecies) 7, Eastern Phoebe 1, House Wren 1, Blue Jay 3)

Blue-gray Gnatcatcher
Photo by Georgia Binderow

Painted Bunting
Photo by Georgia Binderow

Painted Bunting
Photo by Bill Eaton

Eastern Phoebe
Photo by Georgia Binderow

Blue Jay (just couldn't let go of the jewelry!)
Photo by Bill Eaton

House Wren
Photo by Bill Eaton

October 24:  PB 19  Painted Buntings observed but not banded.  Incidental birds (Northern Cardinal 1, Mourning Dove 1, Indigo Bunting 1)

October 30:  another attempt at PB 8 to band Painted Buntings in the wild.  No buntings banded.  Incidental captures - (Common Yellowthroat 3, Palm Warbler 2, House Wren 1, Indigo Bunting 1, Swamp Sparrow 1, Ovenbird 1, Carolina Wren 1, Gray Catbird 3, Northern Cardinal 1)

Common Yellowthroat
Photo by Bill Eaton

Palm Warbler 
Photo by Bill Eaton

Indigo Bunting (hatch year female)
Photo by Bill Eaton

Swamp Sparrow
Photo by Georgia Binderow

Photo by Bill Eaton

Carolina Wren
Photo by Bill Eaton

Northern Cardinal
Photo by Georgia Binderow

November 1:  PB 1:  Banded 1 male and 1 green Painted Bunting

November 3:  PB 20:  Banded 14 Painted Buntings (11 male, 3 green) and 1 incidental Common Grackle.  

Painted Bunting (odd back color - some red tones blending with the green to appear brassy)
Photo by Nancy Price

Painted Bunting (odd body molt - orange feathers growing in)
Photo by Nancy Price

November 6:  PB 21:  Banded 3 green.  Another male present but not captured.  Incidental birds 2 Northern Cardinals, 1 Blue Jay, 1 Northern Mockingbird, and 1 Gray Catbird)

Northern Mockingbird
Photo by Jane Wiewora

November 10:  PB 5:  Return visit to Sebastian.  Banded 7 Painted Buntings (4 male, 3 green) and recaptured a male from last year.   (Incidental birds 1 Northern Cardinal and 1 Carolina Wren)           

Painted Bunting PB 5
Photo by Becky Cook

Painted Bunting PB 5 - originally captured January, 2014
Photo by Becky Cook

Carolina Wren at PB 5
Photo by Becky Cook

November 11:  Banded 1 green Painted Bunting at Possum Long Banding Station.

November 12:  Sighted earlier this month - another return.  PB 14.  It is still green so we know this one is female.

November 13:  PB 22:  Banded 1 green and 6 male (Incidental capture of 2 Common Grackles)

Painted Buntings at PB 22
Photos by Georgia Binderow

November 16:  PB 1:  reported more unbanded birds arriving so we went.  Banded 1 male and 6 greens.  Incidental capture of a Palm Warbler.

green Painted Bunting requesting bands at the window near the feeder
Photo by Nancy Price

November 17:  PB 23:  Banded 9 green and 2 males.  

November 20:  Return to PB 9:  Banded 15 new Painted Buntings (6 male, 9 green) and recaptured 15 - 11 of which were new.  

December 1:  Return to PB 14:  Banded a green and 2 incidentals (Northern Cardinal and Northern Parula)  Recaptured a Palm Warbler that we banded at the same location last March.  

December 5:  We are closer to our goal of making Possum Long Painted Bunting friendly!  We so very much appreciate having a new feeder donated.  Our friends at PB 22 built and donated this feeder based one our description of some used at other PB sites where there are many buntings.  We are so thankful!

Feeder delivery!

Feeder in place

Hopefully next photo is feeder with birds in it.

December 7:  PB 2: Painted Buntings 8 (4 male, 4 green).  One green was tinted quite blue.

Painted Bunting (green) 
blue tint does not indicate whether this is a hatch year male or female

December 15:  PB 24 banded 7 Painted Buntings (3 male, 4 green).

December 16:  Banded a green at Possum Long

December 19:  PB 25  no Painted Buntings , 1 incidental capture - Yellow-throated Warbler

Yellow-throated Warbler (my 95th species)
Photo by Nancy Price

December 22:  PB 26:  Banded 7 Painted Buntings (6 green, 1 male)  1 incidental capture (Common Ground-Dove)

December 29: PB 27 Banded 6 male and 3 green Painted Buntings.  Incidental capture of 1 Red-bellied Woodpecker and 1 Northern Cardinal

Painted Bunting
Photo by Pete Grannis

Painted Bunting - note 2 yellow feathers on head and more than typical blue
Photo by Pete Grannis

Red-bellied Woodpecker
Photo by Georgia Binderow

December 30: PB 12 revisit.  Banded 2 green and 2 male and had recaptures.  

January 5:  Banded at 2 sites.  PB 28 banded 23 Painted Buntings - 15 green and 8 male. Incidental bandings Palm Warbler and White-winged Dove (#96).  PB 29:  Banded 2 Painted Buntings.

White-winged Dove
Photo by Pete Grannis

January 27:  Two sites.  PB 30: banded 4 buntings, 2 green, 2 male.  PB 31: banded 8 buntings - 5 green, 3 male..

January 28:  PB 32 banded 9 buntings - 4 male, 5 green.  Incidental captures (American Goldfinch, Northern Cardinal, Indigo Bunting, Brown-headed Cowbird)

American Goldfinch
Photo by Nancy LaFramboise

January 29:  Two sites.   PB 33: banded 5 green. Incidental captures:  Red-bellied Woodpecker, Brown-headed Cowbird.  PB 34:  banded 1 male and 2 green. 

female Brown-headed Cowbird (missing most of tail, new feathers growing in)
Photo by Georgia Binderow

Painted Bunting
Photo by Bill Eaton - note white feather on chest

Painted Bunting tail with white tips
could be wear or unpigmented when it first started growing in
Photo by Georgia Binderow 

February 4 PB 35: banded 9 green and 2 male Painted Bunting.  Incidental capture of a Common Ground-Dove.

February 6 PB 36:  Banded 5 Painted Buntings - 3 green, 2 male.  1 incidental capture of a Palm Warbler

February 10 PB 37:  Banded 23 Painted Buntings (9 male, 14 green).  1 incidental capture of a Mourning Dove  

Mourning Dove (male by iridescence and blue crown)
photo by Jane Wiewora

We noticed one strangely colored uppertail covert - the pinkish/purplish one among the red and green.

Painted Bunting
Photo by Pete Grannis

February 11 PB 38:  Banded 33 Painted Buntings ( 9 male, 24 green).  Incidental capture of a Blue Jay, a Chipping Sparrow, and an Indigo Bunting.  The BIG excitement is that we recaptured a previously banded bird and it wasn't one of ours!!  We called the Bird Banding Lab Hotline and were informed that the bird had been banded in Georgia on August 11, 2012.  Since we add a year to banded birds' ages on January 1, this bird is at least 3 years old (if it was just born that summer).  We will update if hear how old it was when it was banded.

Painted Bunting (male) banded 8/11, 2012 in Georgia
Photo by Jane Wiewora

A bit less exciting but noteworthy - this is the second time we got to see white body feathers.

Painted Bunting with white body feathers
Photo by Jane Wiewora

PB 38 has ideal conditions for Painted Buntings.  Several other PB locations in the past were ideal too.  Across the street is a ditch with things buntings prefer.  There were both Indigo and Painted buntings there as well as some Chipping Sparrows.  They traveled across the road to a wonderful feeding set-up that the PB 38 hosts had.  If this ditch is ever "manicured" or stripped, one can be sure that bunting numbers will drop.

Bunting habitat
Photo by Jane Wiewora
February 13 PB 39: Banded 10 Painted Buntings (7 male, 3 green)  Incidental capture of 1 Blue Jay and one Blue-headed Vireo.  

Blue-headed Vireo
Photo by Jane Wiewora

It was a bit cold and some of the buntings were getting extra fuel in the form of sugar water from the hummingbird feeders.

February 16 PB 40:  Banded 2 Painted Buntings (1 green, 1 male).  Hampered by wind.  Incidental banding:  Northern Cardinal, Indigo Bunting, American Goldfinch, 2 Common Grackle.  

Indigo Bunting
Photo by Jane Wiewora

Indigo Bunting
Photo by Jane Wiewora

American Goldfinch
Photo by Jane Wiewora

February 17: Banding a green Painted Bunting at Possum Long and 2 green Painted Bunting at PB 1

February 21:  PB 5 return visit.  Banded 10 Painted Buntings (6 male, 4 green).  Recaptured a bird we banded on 1/2/14.  It was green then but has acquired its male coloration now.  Incidental captures:  1 Pine Warbler, 5 Indigo Buntings, 2 Northern Cardinals.  At this time we have passed last year capture total!! 

February 25:  PB 41  Banded 7 Painted Buntings (6 green and 1 male).  Incidental captures:  1 Palm Warbler, 2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, and a Northern Cardinal.

February 27:  PB 42.  No Painted Buntings were banded but we saw some.  We caught a lot of Indigo Buntings and this likely kept the more timid Painteds from the area.  Incidental captures:  16 Indigo Buntings, 2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, 1 Gray Catbird, 1 Northern Cardinal.  

March 5:  Return to PB 36.  Banded 2 green Painted Buntings.

March 9:  PB 43 Banded 2 green Painted Buntings.  Incidental capture 1 Northern Cardinal.                

March 12:  PB 44 Banded 12 Painted Buntings; 5 male, 7 green.  Incidental capture 1 Gray Catbird.

         Painted Bunting - a green that is especially rosy
Photo by Pete Grannis
Since Painted Buntings DO NOT MOLT in the winter, this is NOT a green beginning to show male colors.  It is just rosy.       

March 16:  Return to PB 27  Banded 16 Painted Buntings (8 male, 8 green). Incidental capture:  1 Indigo Bunting.

male Painted Bunting
Photo by Jane Wiewora

March 19:  PB 45 - Banded 4 Painted Buntings 3 male, 1 green and an incidental capture of a Red-bellied Woodpecker.  Are males moving??  Banded Number 300 for the season so far.

Painted Bunting Number 300!
Photo by Pete Grannis

March 23:  PB 6 return visit - banded 6 Painted Buntings (5 green, 1 male).  Lots of incidental captures:  1 Common Grackle, 9 Chipping Sparrows, 1 House Wren, 2 Red-bellied Woodpeckers, 1 Gray Catbird, 3 Indigo Buntings, 4 Blue Jays.  Recaptured 3 Painted Buntings from last season.

March 24:  Banded 1 green at Possum Long

March 26:  Revisit PB1 - banded 5 Painted Buntings; 4 green, 1 male

Painted Bunting Color Banding Season Two is complete.  See you in the fall!  We banded 312 birds this season.

July 24:  We had exciting news two days ago.  The Bird Banding Lab in Patuxent MD wrote to say that one of our Painted Buntings had been reported in Georgia.  On June 25 and 29, Debbie Carr-Taylor photographed a singing male in Skidaway Beach State Park.  The initial photographs clearly showed orange over federal band (silver) on the right and a split band on the left.  

Painted Bunting resighting, Skidaway Beach SP, GA
Photos by Debbie Carr-Taylor

The fourth band was either absent or not visible.  We worked hard on this first photo to see if we could determine anything more.  Looking at data, we knew there were 18 possibilities if there wasn't a 4th band.  We could rule out two from this season as they were green when banded and would not have molted male colors yet.  We could tell the band was dark but that's it.  Debbie to the rescue sent more photos and the band was clearly a brown one.  The bird was banded at PB 5 in Sebastian, FL on November 10, 2014.  The bird was singing in one photo (not shown) which may mean he was on his breeding territory.  Now to see if he returns to the Sebastian location this winter!

Painted Bunting resighting, Skidaway Beach SP, GA
Photos by Debbie Carr-Taylor

Resightings at banding location now at 54!  And one sighting outside FL.
Current count:  561 total, 312 Season 2 as of 3/27/15

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